Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Get Off The Web Bushhies

This is a comment I put on STR's face today: I can see why this site is the last “moral authority”. It is not wisdom that this site offers. A wreck-publican once told me “All those damn liberals and dems keep knocking off our Republican sites!” If your kind’s sites are powered down that easy, this would be a Demorat web. And you guys say you are a majority. Besides, the Web was invented in Europe. You don’t use European products, am I right. So shut this pornographic site down and BUZZ OFF. Sincerely, 8for8. If only some people were not naive. TaTa, 8for8 ;)

Thursday, August 24, 2006


When I look at wreck-publican sites, I look like a fool. So I have a gallery full of fool pictures of George Bush and soon other foolish figures. Check out my blogroll.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Shelley The Republican:CASE CLOSED!!!

I have been against -now fake-, for quite some time now. Now I am going to expose them. I will tell you that STR IS FAKE. I was suprised too that I got fooled. But here is the evidence. Ther are in fact 2 Shelley the Republicans. One is real, the other is fake. The one that is real has a seperate site: -the real one-. You cannot tell the difference until you see the details. The real one uses podcasts, for example. As you may see on the Shelley I usually comment on, she started her web buisness in 10/05. But the real Shelley, with the blogspot, starts back further: in 10/04. I at first thought it was the same person, until I caught this conversation on the fake Shelley's first post:
Tristan Shuddery December 21st, 2005 1:35 pm
Shelley, I just noticed another blog claiming to be “Shelley the Republican” - I dont think it is you because she claims to be pro-abortion and against the patriot act.
I saw that she was complaining about your blog and saying that you had no right to call yourself “Shelley the Republican”, but I’ve read her blog and I dont think somebody needs to correct her take on Republican values.
Shelley December 21st, 2005 1:39 pm
Thank you my friends, you are a great American!Yes, this other Shelley is more Clinton than Bush if you ask me… What a shame… Damn Babykiller!!!
Tristan Shuddery December 21st, 2005 1:43 pm
Definitely clinton - have you heard her podcast, there is something “clintonesque” about her. Dont go changing your name - America is depending on you.
Shelley December 21st, 2005 1:47 pm
Thanks for the support. Greatly appreciated.Yes, I heard it.. shameful, godless, liberal.No, I will never change my name. She can change her name for all I care.
After that, it was clear that this website I have been discussing all these months was just a counter-blog. There is further evidence of reader deciet. It is in fact who the web designer is in the sites copyright area: Copyright © 2000 - 2006 All rights reserved, unless otherwise stated. All copyrights are the property of their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended. ShelleyTheRepublican is a non-profit information website. Material published and opinions expressed herein are solely the responsibility of the authors of this site. is not affiliated with, nor do we represent the views of the Republican Party (GOP). Theme designed by Fredrik Fahlstad. Powered by WordPress. Usage of this web site is subject to the Terms and Conditions. The designer, Fredrik Fahlstad from: is a theme designer from Switzerland. Very suspicious for an 'all American' lie site. That is it then. Unless more evidence shows up, I will no longer contact STR. I hope I can show this post to everybody to prove STR (the fake one) is just a deciever to all. I will still post about other political things on the web. Bye, 8for8 ;) ;) ;)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Got A Picture

I wanted to add a picture to my profile, so I got one that kinda went with my name. ;)

Friday, August 18, 2006


Go Free Speech! Whiney wreck-publicans don't care where it is aimed at, as long as it's not aimed at them. Oh well, don't give up, fellow Democrats. We must protect the land we love. Bye, 8for8 ;)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

New Blog

I have a new blog that drifts away from politics. I hope I can make it better for the next few days. 8for8 ;) P.S. To see it, click on article title. Thank You! Oh yeah, I found this somewhere:

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Yeah, the Triumph!

Dirty wreck-publicans, are already giving up! C'mon...those guys are not putting up a fight. Do not worry, fellow Democrats. Luckily our half of America sleeps well while wreck-publicans dream that they are saving the country when they are not. There is lots of room on our side! I'm also happy that Joe Lieberman has been kicked out. Why are those diamond-eyed fools trying to have unpopular senators in our party? I say that his views don't represent us obviously. But I digress, his wreck-publican actions can now be heard from a weak position in the independent party. I'm now going to awnser a question most diamonds ask: Why do we hate Iraq war? Simple. Our mission was to find a terrorist, Usama bin Laden. Everything was fine then. But George Bush is so naive and unpatriotic. He ordered to stray away to do somthing we could of done anytime, dethrone Saddam Hussein. His true feelings of America is nothing, he just loves it for the money he gets. Sounds similar to his wife, and wreck-publicans thought Clinton was bad. Why don't you guys be a somebody and join our side instead of joining a president who probably hates you. Bush dosen't make a good leader by doing dumb things. Think About It. Use those free minds that you claim to have. Adios 8for8 ;)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Oh My!

Guess what I found at today: Swip August 11th, 2006 11:44 am
There are not only Satan worshiping computer games like the “Sims”, there also exist very good Christian ones. For example “DOOM” is a very good computer game for little children to learn to defeat the old serpent. Satanic creatures and daemons are killed there with high quality American weapons. What Would Jesus Play? You know the answer! /
Give me a break!! If there is one thing that is the worst, it would be a rated "M". I would feel sorry for your children having a taste for blood, monster creator. Only someone very, very, Very, STUPID!!! would post that message. Shelley herself!! It is just a guess. Obviously it sounds like her according to her Neo Nazi articles. Thank the real Jesus who dosen't love guns LOL, 8for8 ;)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Enemies at Large: wreck-publicans

There are wreak-publicans among us (No, not Republicans, I mean those that are ultra ultra right wings). These people are commiting all types of malicious crimes. These thumb suckers stand on a LARGE stone. They say they are god's leading American patriots. If you listen to them, you might hear "Yes, the ecomoney is great!", ...unfortunately they left out that the... "the ecomoney is great for me because I have so much money I'm greedy. So I can't donate none for the people who seriously need it!!" Keep in mind that they have been blinded by dimonds, if you know what I mean, and they think they are the most supierior 2nd by God. They are willing to tell their pro's, but hide the con's. They love to: 1) Deceive those who are poorer than them. 2) Worship God, but not follow His rules. 3) Claim they are smarter; you may feel offended by this, but as I said before they have diamonds for eyes, they never want to (or don't) see the truth. If you encounter one, try to explain that living in dreamland dose not help others. Besides, if they were true 'free thinkers' they would not take away other free thoughts. Adios!, 8for8 ;)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Karl Rove: A Victim of Disloyalty

Ah, we are in a age of constant world attack. In the past there was great heroes like Abraham Lincholn. That is all over. There are all kinds of differences between the wreck-publicen party and the Democratic Party. wreck-publicens are now fascist and are exceptionally always 'wright'. But hey, if you don't believe me, ask HIM: All they care about is to their needs. We cannot accuse them of malicious crimes because they are mostly composed of the rich. But there are good 'republicans' as their name deserves. One of those people is Karl Rove. You may ask "Why"? He helped us in making a fool of the wreck-publicens. He makes us very proud setting up a conspierecy. It makes us mad he gets hated by wreck-publicans because he is doing the right thing. So I would love to meet him and give him the honor his former friends never gave. I hope that simple minded minor parties like them have him for old times sake. Lets tell wreck-publicans, not to touch him. We are loyal to him and wish him good luck. They may only one day come up higher than us. To Be Continued, 8for8 ;)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Posted by Chris!!!

My name is Chris. I am 8for8's friend. I have been a friend to 8for8 for 7 years. HI MOM! I am on the internet FINALLY! Sheesh! See Ya! P.S. I am using 8for8's account because mine won't work.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Another thing is that Shelley seems to support the Rambo movies. But other anti-Shelley people got in the scene-these comments as an example:
baseface August 6th, 2006 5:43 am
Dear Shelly,
Maybe you forgot along the way, that John J. Rambo is a german-native american crossbreed. I am not sure you love that idea in your wet dream of the “american Jesus”.
Shelley August 6th, 2006 5:46 am
Rambo is German? Don’t make me laugh.
Daedelus: August 6th, 2006 6:40 am
Not german, but with german ancestors. Maybe you don’t know, but also your ancestors came from europe once (if you’re white) Boy, did SHE look dumb there! ;)

Lebanon: Worthless?!

O.K., yesterday I made an occasional comment at It was about a rather sickening post on what should be done with Lebanon. What the worst part is they say that Jesus would join and kill. Of all else, I now know they worship a black god. That is not Christian to put 'kill' with 'Jesus'. Here is what I typed: Hate You! August 5th, 2006 9:15 pm
Hello, satire fool. Yeah, our brave U.S. troops will slaughter. Everyone they see, from what you would call “preciouse” snowflake children, let me put you in THEIR shoes. You were born in a house where you had no living, couple years later, you depend on a view that is the truth. They ask their parents how they live. They tell them a view that is what you call is not ‘Christian’. They tell their children that because that is what THEIR parents taught them. So they cannot help it. If they were taught Christian, then it would be a different story. Apart from that, you can’t blame them. Just like the 9-11 hijackers, they are basically Crazy. They think they will go to heaven by commiting these acts.
(Note, I disguised myself because Shelley has a problem about deleting my comments). So I don't think they are a moral leader if they talk about the un-holy. It seems as they wish for Satin to come back. CYL, 8for8 ;)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

What Makes a Citizen?

Most people describe a citizen in different ways. For example, George W. Bush classify people by religion. But that is not the case. Citizenship dose not go by any of your aspects. Mr. Bush is not able to give a good descision, obviously. The right defenition is in law. This applies to any non-communist country. It simply goes as: 1) You have to be born in that certain country. Or, 2) Live in the country for a certain # of years. If you classify, it is basically hate over difference. As good as it gets, 8for8 ;)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I Did It!

I got a sister Blog, or Group, now! I could not get a message in my boxes to get a Google Site, so I have Yahoo! instead. Please join at: Thanks!, 8for8 ;)

Google Group

I have been thinking about starting a sister site as a Google Group. But I am not sure what to put in there. For example, should it consist of the same content as this blog, or should the articles be totally different. That is where I leave it to you. Leave comments on here to give suggestions about it. After a day or more, I'll decide which vote is more popular. Please express your thoughts, 8for8 ;)