Thursday, September 21, 2006

Another Intersesting Thing...

If you seriously want STR exposed, stay up 24/7. When they finally post the article, there are automatically about 10-25 comments. So some comments may be fake. Keep exposing people! It seems STR is almost nude! (yuck!) Bye, 8for8 ;)

Shelley made a BooBoo!!!

Uh-Oh! Look Here: Shelley September 21st, 2006 6:20 am
Thanks for the good advice, but these days I mostly give lifestyle tips and help people to overcome the American urges or not supporting the American Way of Life!
Richard 23,I agree with you! I have seen that statistic, too.Without the damn femenazis we would have 71% less gays today!
We can all say we make mistakes. But this is bad! We can all tell that Shelley and Richard23 are the same person. How? All these foul sentences were typed on the same post/comment. It is a pity, though, that we probably won't see the original post/comment. Whoever is behind STR might deleted.

Friday, September 08, 2006


I will make a 9-11 rememberance soon!