Oh My!
Guess what I found at www.shelleytherepublican.com today: Swip August 11th, 2006 11:44 am
There are not only Satan worshiping computer games like the “Sims”, there also exist very good Christian ones. For example “DOOM” is a very good computer game for little children to learn to defeat the old serpent. Satanic creatures and daemons are killed there with high quality American weapons. What Would Jesus Play? You know the answer! / Give me a break!! If there is one thing that is the worst, it would be a rated "M". I would feel sorry for your children having a taste for blood, monster creator. Only someone very, very, Very, STUPID!!! would post that message. Shelley herself!! It is just a guess. Obviously it sounds like her according to her Neo Nazi articles. Thank the real Jesus who dosen't love guns LOL, 8for8 ;)
What is this crazy ranting? What are you talking about?
I'm talking about you guys and your disturbing sense of violence. I wish you quit!
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