Lebanon: Worthless?!
O.K., yesterday I made an occasional comment at STR.com. It was about a rather sickening post on what should be done with Lebanon. What the worst part is they say that Jesus would join and kill. Of all else, I now know they worship a black god. That is not Christian to put 'kill' with 'Jesus'. Here is what I typed: Hate You! August 5th, 2006 9:15 pm
Hello, satire fool. Yeah, our brave U.S. troops will slaughter. Everyone they see, from what you would call “preciouse” snowflake children, let me put you in THEIR shoes. You were born in a house where you had no living, couple years later, you depend on a view that is the truth. They ask their parents how they live. They tell them a view that is what you call is not ‘Christian’. They tell their children that because that is what THEIR parents taught them. So they cannot help it. If they were taught Christian, then it would be a different story. Apart from that, you can’t blame them. Just like the 9-11 hijackers, they are basically Crazy. They think they will go to heaven by commiting these acts. (Note, I disguised myself because Shelley has a problem about deleting my comments). So I don't think they are a moral leader if they talk about the un-holy. It seems as they wish for Satin to come back. CYL, 8for8 ;)
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