Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Karl Rove: A Victim of Disloyalty

Ah, we are in a age of constant world attack. In the past there was great heroes like Abraham Lincholn. That is all over. There are all kinds of differences between the wreck-publicen party and the Democratic Party. wreck-publicens are now fascist and are exceptionally always 'wright'. But hey, if you don't believe me, ask HIM: http://home.comcast.net/~daschor/clipart/bush_middle_finger.png All they care about is to their needs. We cannot accuse them of malicious crimes because they are mostly composed of the rich. But there are good 'republicans' as their name deserves. One of those people is Karl Rove. You may ask "Why"? He helped us in making a fool of the wreck-publicens. He makes us very proud setting up a conspierecy. It makes us mad he gets hated by wreck-publicans because he is doing the right thing. So I would love to meet him and give him the honor his former friends never gave. I hope that simple minded minor parties like them have him for old times sake. Lets tell wreck-publicans, not to touch him. We are loyal to him and wish him good luck. They may only one day come up higher than us. To Be Continued, 8for8 ;)


Anonymous said...

Why do ya keep going against ShelleytheRepublican. It's not like it will go out of buisness.

8for8 said...

I am not actually against it. It is just since she wants to show what she feels about politics, then I will.

Anonymous said...
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