New Site
My sibling seems to have a blog too! Intresting Enough, it was the last thing I expected. Check it out:
A site where views about what is going on around the world are discussed freely. Even though site is Democratic Party-favored, anybody is allowed to comment and discuss.
My sibling seems to have a blog too! Intresting Enough, it was the last thing I expected. Check it out:
Posted by
7/31/2006 06:05:00 PM
Dude man, I see Shelly's web everyday. I got sik of her!
Shit I never seen anybody crazy as that bitch before.
Maybe it is just a troll, I hear that often!
I'm still suspiciose tooo.
What is with ya people!!!
This site is soooo fake.
Do you know what's fake? Me not being real. You can't just deny anyones exsistence just because of the things they discuss. Do you have outside proof?
Fuck you! Your blog is a time waster where do you live, New Jersey?
Why should I tell? How dose it matter? You beleive I'm not real.
Tell Him 8for8!
I can understand, though. I was fooled by the spur along time ago. I don't want to be fooled again.
You are a faker and you know it
Frogot the "."
I see that a lot of people have commented today.
Shit, you call yourself a patriot.
This blog is not about testing my patriotism. I love my country. I just don't like what my countrie's government dose.
Are you on your blog 24/7? You responded to me faster than I expected.
Hey, it is a hobbie I like (I'm not saying I'm on it that long though, tireing..sheesh!).
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