New Site
My sibling seems to have a blog too! Intresting Enough, it was the last thing I expected. Check it out:
A site where views about what is going on around the world are discussed freely. Even though site is Democratic Party-favored, anybody is allowed to comment and discuss.
My sibling seems to have a blog too! Intresting Enough, it was the last thing I expected. Check it out:
Posted by
7/31/2006 06:05:00 PM
I found out that the blogger "the spur" has came back to go against Shelley the Republican: Unfortunatley, he has copied my former blog's web adress. If you use Google to go to his new site, it mentions the screen name "8for8" on the site. But instead of the blog's name being "8for8's Down with the 'STR Machine'", it says "No More STR". Please don't confuse it as one of my blogs. Thank You. I know it is just an STR Drone Site because the day 'the spur's original site went down, he had over 2000 views of his profile. Now it has about 200 last time I checked. See ya Later, 8for8 ;)
Posted by
7/31/2006 04:59:00 PM
Ever since WW2, Germany has been an unpopular with America. The first thing that is thought when Germany is spoke of is Hitler. Some citizens of the country are neo-nazis. I hate nazis, but as for the rest of the citizens, should we all blame the Germans just because they are Germans. So I ask, why would this happen if we hate them: Yes, if you haven't seen it on Fox before, you'd probably got stupifyed just now. Non-Democrats/Liberals call it propaganda. I call it something else. Chancellor Angela Merkel seems disgusted by his actions. Is he cheating on his wife, if not, then what. Whatever the reason, he set a bad representation to the U.S. There is always fear that Germans are bad but it can't all be true (I have 3 different friends who are German-American). We cannot think that they are born like that. Look at the British. We hated them during the Revolutionary War and in the mid-1800's. Compare that to now. The U.S. and U.K. are like best friends. Now that Germany is a democracy, we should try to improve relations, not worsen them.
Posted by
7/31/2006 03:20:00 PM
If you haven't lived in a cave for a month or two, you'd know that it seems to be getting worse and worse in the Middle East. Of course, almost everyone is getting worried that we are going closer to WW3. Unfortunately, at this rate, it may be. All kinds of countries are getting involved in terror. Some think they are safe because their country is taking safety measures to stop terrorism. If violence around the world keeps getting worse like this, this may not be necessary. No one can predict if terrorism will go down or rise up. U.S. Republican politicians think they are in control. If their claims about the wise tatics they make are true, now is the time to actually use them. After all, they cannot blame everything on the democrats. They control most of our Congress.
Posted by
7/30/2006 01:09:00 PM
Hey everybody! I'm 8for8. If you seen my name before, you know I started a blog against: . Unfortunatlely, I got bored of fighting an endless 'war'. So I've started a site with all kinds of stuff to talk about. What to talk about? Ohh...thats a suprise. Till Then. ;) ;) ;)
Posted by
7/28/2006 03:33:00 PM